Banner Chapel Women’s Ministry

We are blessed to have 2 ladies group you can take part in. They work together and separately to minister to our community, the church and worldwide.

Mattie Beasley society

The Mattie Beasly Society is our Senior ladies organization Mission Group. We meet the 3rd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. for a devotion, prayer and discussion. We support our Church in all projects, along with local and foreign mission fields. We participate in our Eastern North Carolina Conference and support various ministries in and through our Southern Region of Churches. Anyone who would like to join us in our efforts is cordially welcome.

Edna Phipps Society

The Edna Phipps Society is our younger ladies organization Mission Group. We meet the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00 pm. for a devotion, prayer and discussion. We support the Meadow Back Pack Buddies program, we support church projects and assist families with love offerings through out the year. Anyone who would like to join us feel free to stop by.